Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Never say it can't be done

I have recently come across a fairly simple task, that as decidedly difficult to figure out how to implement on the Cisco ASA, multiple external IPs NAT'd to a single internal IP.

A google search will bring up several forums in which the consensus is that it can't be done:

"There is no way the device would allow you to have 2 public ip to point to the same internalip."

That's not correct, sadly if you call tier 1 Cisco support they will give you the same answer. The issue is how the ASA performs various NATs:

static - This is a bi-directional NAT that is used for traffic to the host and from the host
static (inside,outside) public-ip internal-ip netmask

nat (pat) - This is for traffic FROM the host only, traffic cannot be initiated TO the NAT IP
nat (inside) 1 inside-ip
global (outside) 1 outside-ip

The issue is that the static is bi-directional, so the ASA will not let you add two statics since this would cause a conflict for outgoing traffic.

Now, I refused to accept the answer "it can't be done"...I refuse to believe that Checkpoint..the peak of early 90's technology can do this..yet the ASA cannot. So I escalated.

I was right it can be done, and here is how:

Given two Public IPs: &
Given one Private IP:

First, you create an ACL for each NAT:

access-list nat1 extended permit ip host any
access-list nat2 extended permit ip host any

Now you create that static NAT statement:

static (inside, outside) access-list nat1
static (inside, outside) access-list nat2

NOTE: Traffic generated FROM the inside will always get NAT'd to the first static entry.

You can verify by doing a show xlate:

Global Local
Global Local

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