Monday, October 25, 2010

Moblin Update

Well its been about two weeks with the netbook, and given the choice between the netbook and a tablet I'm currently leaning towards the tablet. I like the fact that I can be on AIM while I search the web and generally play around on the netbook. However, my thumbs always hit the touch pad moving the cursor and making it generally annoying to do much typing on it.

It's main use, for me at least, is a web browser and even that is annoying due to the smaller screen than a tablet. I also like the tablet games more due to the touch screen interface. Add to that the apps that are available for the tablets, and the cross-platform (tablet/phone) nature of the apps and I've got to give the advantage to the tablets.

Next up for me will be the Chrome OS. Going to download the most recent beta build and give it a run.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Got to keep Moblin on...

I came into posession of an HP Mini 2140. Now, in general I don't really get the purpose of thes netbook. Personally, I think its too small to be useful and too big to be portable, but that's the opinion of a person whose fingers are too fat for a full size keyboard. Now that I have one, I figure I might as well see if my opinions are correct.

I had to load an OS, since HD was cleaned before I received it. It comes with a Windows 7 licenses, but whats the fun in that? plan is to load various Netbook OS's and see if I get to the point that I change my opinion. First up in the little experiment is Moblin

Moblin intrigues me, its got a user interface that is different from the other netbook OSs. So I downloaded and installed it using the instructions on the site. The installation was straight forward and in an hour I went from a blank netbook and no idea what I was going to do with a Moblin netbook.

The only piece that didn't work out of the box was the wireless card...which is a show stopper for a netbook. I mean...the whole point is the portability. Luckily it just needed the Broadcom drivers...the instruction can be found here:

So far so good...still getting it set-up and customized. I did post this blog from it using blogtk. Which showed a bit of a bug when inserting a link, the link windows pops up in its own zone. Other than that..its seem like a decent OS, but not a easy to use as I had hoped. The menus seem like they might be easier to navigate on a touch device.

I'll keep playing with it...but I'm also looking for the next OS to try. Looking at OSX86, unless chrome os comes out before then.

(Note: I ended up cleaning up this post...still getting the hang of BlogTK)